First Baptist Church is located in downtown Abilene and was the first Baptist church organized shortly after Abilene was founded. The church has grown since that time, but has also stayed in touch with the community that it helped to start.
If you are a first time visitor, we would suggest that start your journey with us by coming to Bible study at 9 a.m. on Sunday morning. We have classes for all ages and folks ready at each entrance to guide you to your destination. In the Welcome Center, you will find more information and help is available.
Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. A nursery is provided for children 4 years and younger.
What to Expect
Our church will surprise you. Look beyond the size of the building or sanctuary. You will discover a church committed to building authentic community. We want to know your name and care about your needs. We seek to meet people where they are. We welcome your hard questions and struggles. You don’t have to pretend to have it “all together.” We understand the need for acceptance, forgiveness, and grace in Jesus Christ. You can come to just check us out, or you can come looking for deeper relationships. We invite you to come just as you are.
A Story – the Past, Present, and Future
We connect people to a story. All of us have a story. Our church has a story of God’s guiding. We are a church established by eighteen people in 1881. They wondered if anything would come out of their gathering. We value tradition and what it teaches us. We want to give roots during these uncertain times when the foundations are shaking. The Bible says, “Remove not the ancient landmarks.” We are also open to change and new expressions of sharing the love of Christ. We draw wisdom from the past, seek to live in the present, and look forward to the future with hope in reaching people for Jesus Christ.

Connecting Sunday with the Rest of the Week
We seek to be a church that is culturally relevant in applying the message of Jesus to our daily lives. We want to impact your work, offer hope when facing a crisis, and help you to meet the challenges of raising a family. We gather so that you will discover your gifts, calling, and mission to be the presence of Christ wherever you are during the week.
A Family – Intergenerational
We are a church of many generations who interact with each other. We believe that we learn from all ages as we worship together. Our diversity enriches us and especially the faith of our children as they see faith lived out.
Uplifting Worship
Our worship goes beyond what we prefer. We try to avoid labels. We want people to seek God and not a style. We celebrate all kinds of music that move us to worship. We use practical ways of engaging the congregation through multimedia and people sharing their stories. We celebrate communion and baptism as a way of remembering God’s story of grace and reconciliation. We include children in worship leadership. We believe children learn through the community and with parents who model worship.
Being Changed – Spiritual Formation
Why come to church? Our goal is for us to be shaped more into the likeness of Jesus Christ, which transforms every area of our lives. We experience this life-changing transformation through Sunday school classes for ever age, Wednesday night groups, and through learning from each other as the community of faith.
Child Friendly
We have a wonderful preschool and children’s ministry. Our preschool ministry is safe and secure. The preschool ministry is not “baby-sitting.” They learn about the Bible in age appropriate ways. Preschoolers age four and below are cared for during worship with lessons about God’s love. Children are offered opportunities to participate in worship and learn the importance of serving. We believe that children need to be seen and heard in church and worship.
Emerging Adults
Adults age 18-29 will find a church that views them as leaders who have so much to offer the church. We want to help them in their journey of discovering their identity, knowing they belong, and living out their purpose.
Purpose – Missional
We believe that every believer has a God-given mission. When you join the church, we believe that you have been called to use your gift. We believe that you have a mission even when you might doubt it. We have an opportunity for you to discover your gift and ways to serve called, PLACE that helps you explore why you were created.
An Invitation
If you are looking for community, forgiveness, and a purpose for your life, we invite you to join us in the journey. We are a church that has changed since 1881. But some things do not change. We are committed to staying in touch with the city that we have been a part of since the very beginning. We are in the heart of our city at 1333 North 3rd Street in downtown Abilene.
When you come for the first time, we would suggest that you start your journey by coming to Bible study at 9 a.m. on Sunday mornings. We have classes for all ages. Adults will find different kinds of classes from lecture to discussion. When you arrive you will find people at each entrance that will assist you in finding a class. Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary and childcare is provided for preschoolers 4 years and younger.
Frequently Asked Questions
What time do services start?
Sunday morning Bible study starts at 9 a.m. followed by morning worship at 10:30 a.m..
What is the dress code?
We do not have a dress code; we want everyone to feel welcome regardless of what they have to wear.
What is the music like?
We have a blended style of music during worship. The morning service ranges from contemporary to traditional to sacred. We have a magnificent pipe organ that enhances the music, but as well, we have a rhythm section that gives support to many of the contemporary songs. Most Sunday there is an orchestra involved in the service.
Do I have to give an offering?
No, not unless you feel lead to give. We believe that the church is supported by the tithes and offerings of its members. As a visitor, you are not expected to participate in giving unless so lead by the Holy Spirit.
What is the invitation time at the end of the service?
We offer a time at the end of each service for people to respond to whatever God is dealing with them in their lives. It might be a time for personal prayer, a specific decision that they would like someone to counsel them about, or it is at this time when people are encouraged to join the church. For more information about joining, see the section entitled, Joining FBC.
Do you have activities for the whole family?
YES, there are activities for the entire family from birth to the most senior of our church family. Both during the morning Bible study time as well as during worship, there are classes for all age groups. And during the worship service, there is care available for children under the age of 5.
Do you have a separate service for children?
No, we believe that children need to learn to worship from a very early age. They need to see their parents involved in worship, and it is through the parents that they see a model of how to worship.