FBC Community Missionaries
U.S. Missionaries

Sandy & Duane Hammack
duanehammack@gmail.com or sandy.hammack@gmail.com.
Duane and Sandy Hammack are based in Colorado where they serve leaders, missionaries (all around the world), and church staff by helping to provide holistic care at Potter’s Inn. Potter’s Inn is an internationally recognized ministry specializing in caring for the souls of marketplace leaders, missionaries, pastors, and other ministry leaders. It was established with focus on care of the soul–to help usher individuals into an understanding of their own lives, personal histories, and journeys as they search to find the great love of God. Potter’s Inn is the ideal setting for them to express their calling and gifts as they come alongside God as He works to transform the lives of His people.
If you would like to learn more about Potter’s Inn, please visit www.pottersinn.com.
World Missionaries

Jeff, Alicia & Ethan Lee
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) field personnel Jeff, Alicia, and Ethan Lee have been serving six years in Skopje, Macedonia. The Lee family are compelled to join God in ministry among the poor, marginalized, and neglected. Their calling is to serve people marginalized by poverty, show the love of Jesus Christ to many who feel unloved, and to share life together in community with the people God places around us. Jeff and Alicia seek to be the presence of Christ by engaging in holistic, relational, and healing ministries among the ethnic groups of Skopje, Macedonia. They seek to build relationships with Albanians, Macedonians, Turks, and the Roma Gypsies in order to foster meaningful relationships that create lasting change. If you would like to keep up with the Lee family and their ministry in Macedonia, please visit their Facebook page: Partnership Macedonia – Updates from the Lees.

David & Lauren Bass
David and Lauren Bass serve in Phnom Penh, Cambodia as CBF field personnel. Cambodia is in Southeast Asia located between Thailand and Vietnam. Phnom Penh’s population is just over 1.5 million people, with twenty percent of the population living in poverty. Buddhism is practiced by 96.9% of the population, with Christianity at 0.8%. Their goal is to start a church in each of Cambodia’s 13,869 villages. David and Lauren are partnered with the Cambodia Baptist Union, and will work to support the Cambodian pastors by developing theological training programs as well as economic development initiatives. The goal is to equip Cambodian pastors to help Cambodia’s churches go from new and dynamic to deep and sustainable.

Venantie Uwishyaka
Venantie Uwishyaka recently graduated from Logsdon Seminary and was ordained at FBC. Venantie has moved back to her home in Kigali, Rwanda to start the Family Life Ministry. The Family Life Ministry will focus on mentoring, premarital counseling, and therapy. Training will also be available for people from churches on how to mentor couples through premarital counseling. They will prepare strong families called to go on mission in other countries, like Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia, who have gone through years of war.